Thursday, 24 November 2011


I'm bored. I'm at work for the first time since Friday, and there is absolutely nothing left to do here. I'm also alone, and I have to be somewhere at four so there's no point going anywhere else right now. I've checked my favourite blog and all the news I care to know. And then I remembered thetrashdiaries that I have been neglecting too much lately. Because stuff has happened. For example, I got mumps last week. I looked a bit like this poor kid:
Stolen from wikipedia

The week before that I acquired a boyfriend. Yep it's true! For the first time since I registered at Facebook in 2007 yours truly is in a relationship. He's coming home from Edinburgh today! Bringing me lost goods from the land of beverage. Looki-looki:

To be honest I'm not really sure what I'm looking forward to the most, seeing him again or drinking something savory and blissfully yummy like Crabbie's. Hmm..

Stolen from

Also, I've had my bestfriend over from the west. We've been drinking and going out and doing things that silly people like me with enormous gigantic fines shouldn't be doing. Which eh.. resulted in me asking my mum for more money. I seemed to have dislocated a few dollars to have enough to pay Mr Taxi Driver see.. I've even started playing the lottery. Downloaded one of those lottery-apps, see.. Wish me lucky numbers!

Also lost my wallet in another taxi a few weeks ago. Those taxi drivers really knows how to earn a few extra bucks on my drunken self. Good thing I'm broke till December 10th. I mean, what more can go wrong? Ooops, now I better go greet my boyfriend (how weird is that? Boyfriend? Me?) at the train station.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Street art! Fun stuff!

I don't know the name of this artist. Yet.
It's November and the nasty darkness has arrived for the next couple of months, so let's take a look at the street art I snapped in October, when we had sunny days and good lighting and fancy people with spray cans made the streets a little bit more cheerful. Here's a few pics from my archive. I looove street art. Big fan.

U25 is a good artist, I see his/hers artwork around town and I wonder if I've ever met this person in  ... person ;p

I'm fully aware that I've been a slacker bitch when it comes to blogging. I promised daily posts and all you get is five posts a month.. Well, see, suddenly stuff happened and recently I've experienced something close to a life. It'a amazeballz! But I'll see if I can squeeze in more inneresting shit this month. 

Drunkard, I've no idea where this picture was taken cos I was drunk myself. Absinth is dangerous stuff..!
Keep the trees warm ya'know? (Sorry about the cracked thingy on the pic, blogspot is acting up).
Lol: "In spite of all the danger" (ehm, blogspot hates me today. I've uploaded this pic several times, even cut it and stuff, but it still comes out the wrong way. Blogspot SUUUUCKS!)
"No dumping! Drains to Unreality" I wanna go there! (There's no stupid blogspot acting up in unreality.)
My mum's going to the underground

Scary Santa? Nah, I think this guy looks like the vegetarian beggar I see around the city. U25

Frankenstein? John Doe!

I second that

Cute little girl! Found her on one of my dumpster-diving-nights. This is original size.

This scary lady resides on the wall of a place where junk food is sold and consumed
Beggar lady. I think she looks a bit like my ex-boss.. U25