Sunday, 16 October 2011

Cleaning the nasty clogged drain

There comes a time in life when the drain is clogged. I don't mean the underdepartment of yours truly, that is a whole other story, but the drain of the bathroom-persona ion. So here goes. Last year I moved in to this apartment that really needed a lot of work done due to the fact that the person living before me was a druggie. We're talking needles in the walls, blood on the ceiling, inches of dirt. The sad old sad. And I cleaned it up real good. Even splattered some paint around, but the one thing I didn't do was clean the drain. I guess I was afraid it would be hard or something. Or filled with more of those nasty HIV-infested needles. So I let it slide. Until one fine day I really needed a shower, and the bathroom over flooded. I found my blue disposable gloves (sorry world, but at least we recycle the plastic nowadays), and located my (imaginary and figuratively speaking) balls and did the job. This is how I did it, tutorial-style:

Put your gloves on and open the damn thing

Drop the lid in the sink, clean it with hot water and a toothbrush or something

Localise a plastic bag to put all the gore in. See the black thingy on the upper left? It's habitat is over the black and the red pipe. Get it out of there (this might be a struggle, but find your inner angry person and abUSE IT).

Clean enough (forgot to take pictures of the gore, sorry) aaand put the black thingy back where it belongs (it's probably homesick by now)
Clean the floor while you're at it
And you're done!
Now remember, this drain is from 2001, so if you are going to do the same and your drain looks nothing like this, maybe you should try google it (again?!). And if you found my blog google'ing "clogged drain" or "cleaning the drain" or something like that, well hello there! Stay on for more happy days!

PS: All this chemical stuff you buy to clean the drain usually works for a few months and they are expencive, bad for the environment and bad for you. (Some of them even clog your drain "on purpose", so you have to buy another one and another one. Isn't capitalism just great?). This way is messy, but it helps. I promise!


  1. Wew, that was tough! Who helped you clean everything in your new apartment after you moved in? The way you described how it looked before you came made me wonder how huge of a mess it was. You probably didn’t notice the drain in the shower. If only you had people to help you do all the cleaning, more eyes would’ve been able to figure that out earlier. Well, what’s done is done. Congratulations for cleaning it this time. ;)

  2. Going with the traditional way, I see. :D Yep, cleaning clogged drains is one of the most feared household duties because you’d never know what you could find when you’re tending the pipes. Still, leaving your pipes unattended is a catalyst for much bigger problems that you might regret later. If you can’t do it on your own, I suggest calling professionals to do the work for you.

  3. Well, in your clogged drains case, I think vinegar should also do the trick for you. If ever this happens to you again, I suggest that your try to clean the drain with a vinegar and hot water. These two could soften hard debris that clogged your drain because of the high acidity level of the vinegar.

  4. Such a great post Drain Cleaner is very effective I like this post.

    Drain cleaning

  5. في ركن نجد نقدم  أفضل الخدمات المقدمة في مجال شركات تسليك المجارى بالرياض وافضل شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض حيث أن أنسداد المجاري في فيلتك أو منزلك يسبب الكثير من المشاكل الصحية  تسليك مجارى بالخبر والعامة والتي لا يتمكن العميل من العيش في منزلة اثناء تسليك بالوعة المطبخ نقدم حلول تسليك المجارى و شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض .
    حيث تطفح البلاعات داخل المنزل ولا يتسطيع أستخدام الماء لأي غرض وتعم المنزل روائح كريهة لا يمكن تحملها ويكون ذا بسبب تراكم الترسبات في أحدي مواسير الصرف أو في احدي البالوعات لذلك يبحث العميل العزيز علي أفضل تسليك مجارى بالرياض تعطية نتائج سريعة في نفس اليوم وكذلك تحافظ لة علي المواسير من الكسور
    تسليك مجارى بالراض
    تسليك بالوعة المطبخ
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  6. صبابين قهوة بجدة ، عزيزي العميل لو كنت ترغب في تحضير حفلة قهوة على مستوى عالي من الرقي وتحاكي الأصول والتراث العربي في تقديم القهوة العربية وأيضا التحضير كما عرفناه من أجدادنا تواصل مع خدمة صبابين قهوة بجدة فنحن فريق مدرب من الصبابين والصبابات نعمل على تقديم القهوة بالطريقة الشرقية المعروفة ونتواجد في جميع الحفلات سواء المسائية عن طريق امهر فريق قهوجيات وصبابات ومعلمات صناعة القهوة العربية وأيضا في الحفلات الرجالية عن طريق أفضل فريق مدرب على مستوى عالي من المهارة في صناعة وإعداد وتقديم القهوة فإذا أردت أن تعمل على راحة ضيوفك
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    مباشرين قهوة بالرياض
    مباشرين قهوة بجدة
    صبابين قهوة بالرياض
    صبابين قهوة بجدة
    صباب قهوة
    صباب قهوة بالرياض
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